Here are the details of a selection of recent talks I have given. For more information about any of these topics, please get in touch with me.
  • High dimensional data and certifying adversarial robustness
    Machine Learning and Theory Workshop - University of East Anglia (May 2024).
  • The role of geometry an nonlinearity in few-shot learning
    Hora Informaticae - Czech Academy of Sciences (March 2024).
  • Can adversarial robustness be certified for classifiers learning high dimensional data?
    Research Seminar - Charles University, Prague (March 2024).
  • Relative intrinsic dimensionality is intrinsic to learning
    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2023 - Heraklion, Crete (September 2023).
  • A geometric view on the role of nonlinear feature maps in few-shot learning
    Geometric Science of Information (GSI) 2023 - Saint Malo, France (August 2023).
  • Learning from few examples - nonlinearity and dimensionality
    Research Seminar - University of Sydney, Australia (June 2023).
  • Learning from few examples with nonlinear feature maps
    Joint Numerics Seminar at University College London and Imperial College London - Imperial College London, UK (January 2023).
  • Towards a mathematical understanding of learning from few examples with nonlinear feature maps
    Dynamics and Numerical Analysis Seminar - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway (December 2022).
  • Learning from few examples with nonlinear feature maps
    At the SCICADE 2022 conference, in the minisymposium Mathematics of deep learning and structure preserving deep learning - Reykjavik, Iceland (July 2022).
  • A discontinuous Galerkin framework for high order, mesh-based multigroup discrete ordinates schemes for radiation transport
    At the SIAM Geosciences conference, in the minisymposium Advances in Polygonal Methods for Applications in Geoscience - Milan, Italy (June 2021).
  • High order mesh-based multigroup discrete ordinates schemes for the linear Boltzmann transport problem
    Seminar at INRIA - Paris, France (June 2021).
  • Polygonal meshes: a new frontier for finite element methods?
    Invited plenary talk at the British Young Mathematicians Colloquium (BYMC) - University of Birmingham, UK (April 2019).
  • Adaptive polygonal meshes for parabolic problems using virtual element methods
    At the 90th Annual GAMM Meeting in the Young Researchers' Minisymposium Recent advances in Galerkin methods based on polytopal meshes - University of Vienna in Vienna, Austria (March 2019).
  • Virtual elements with adaptive polygonal meshes for parabolic problems
    At the Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale Congresso Nazionale (SIMAI) in the minisymposium Recent advances in nonconforming and polygonal methods for partial differential equations - Università di Roma “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy (July 2018).
  • The cost of large simulations
    At the International Workshop on the Mathematics of Climate Change and Natural Disasters - São José dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil (September 2017).
  • Adaptive virtual element methods for parabolic problems
    At Polytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering (POEMS) - University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy (June 2017).
  • A posteriori error estimates for virtual element methods
    At the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (MAFELAP), in the minisymposium PDE Discretisation Methods for Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes - Brunel University, London, UK (June 2016).
  • Virtual element methods for elliptic problems
    At the 26th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference (NAConf), in the minisymposium Stable and accurate discretisations for convection-dominated problems - Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK (June 2016).
  • A posteriori error estimates for virtual element methods
    Poster presented at Polytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering (POEMS) - Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2015).